2023 – 2024 年招生计划
年级 | 2年级 | 3-6年级 |
评估方式 | 基于游戏的 活动和观察 | NGRT阅读评估、CAT 4 |
面试 | 分别与预备部主任和校长面试 |
年级 | 7-9年级 | 10-11年级 | 12-13年级 |
评估方式 | CAT4、NGRT阅读评估 | CAT4、学科考试(自选科目) | CAT4、学科考试(自选科目) |
面试 | 与校长面试 | ||
备注 | 如果申请人的母语为非英语,则需要进行牛津入学英语评估(OPT)。 |
坐落于大湾区核心位置—佛山市,佛山市霍利斯外籍人员子女学校于2021年9月正式开学。佛山霍利斯是一所卓越的英式国际学校,提供纯正英式课程,为6-18岁(2-13年级)的走读及寄宿生们提供他们成长所需要的空间、设施和专业教学。我们教授强化的的英式国际课程,IGCSEs及A Level,帮助学生进入世界一流大学。学校的师资团队强劲,90%英籍教师,平均教龄达到15年。
我们的姐妹学校——英国霍利斯学校(LEH School)是一所历史悠久且极具创新精神的学校,并在2021年英国私立学校颁奖典礼上当选年度女子私立学校。英国霍利斯将浓厚的学术氛围与课堂以外的丰富体验相结合,确保所有学生都能愉快地学习。无论是学术成就还是运动成绩,音乐表演还是戏剧节目,霍利斯学子们都展示出卓尔不凡的表现。
Mrs Jane Arden
Jane Arden 女士是佛山市霍利斯外籍人员子女学校的校长。Arden女士曾在利物浦大学和利物浦摩尔大学深造,取得荣誉历史学学士学位和教育学研究生文凭(PGCE)。Arden女士履历丰富,在来到佛山霍利斯之前,她曾在成都威斯敏斯特学校担任创校副校长、学术部主管和英文学科主任,以及在惠灵顿国际学校任职4年,担任学术和英文学科主任。
Jane Arden女士深耕教育行业接近30年,所任职的学校在她的带领下取得斐然的IGCSE和A Level学术成绩。Arden女士也担任过英国AQA考试局英文学科助理首席考官近20年。她非常重视对教师的培训与指导,认为这是创建面向21世纪的学校的关键因素。
Ms Mandy Bateman
Mandy Bateman女士是一位经验丰富的教育家和领导者,在英国本土的学校,以及葡萄牙和埃及的国际学校近3年的工作经验。她的教育工作资历十分深厚,且涉猎广泛;2009年,她在英国创立了一间独立学校并担任创校校长,自此开始领导学校运营。在来到佛山霍利斯之前,Bateman女士在埃及开罗一所享有盛誉的英国国际学校担任幼年基础阶段(EYFS)和小学六年级的校长。
Mandy Bateman女士拥有英国斯塔福德郡大学的教育学士学位,英国知山大学的教育学研究生证书(PGCE)和英国剑桥大学的特殊需求教育硕士学位。
在英语学习方面,学生们能够学习由校长Jane Arden女士精心设计的英语语言学习课程(ELL)并获得校内语言学习支持教师团队的帮助,从阅读、写作、口语和听力四大方面综合提高英语水平,从而能够更加充分参与学校的英式课程。
11-13岁(7-9 年级)
11-13岁的学生将接受互动性强而又严谨的课程,这将使他们能够发展自己的学术兴趣,同时也为他们提供一个坚实的学术基础。学生将学习英语、中文、数学和科学 (生物、化学和物理),同时也将学习人文科学(地理和历史)及科技和创意艺术 (美术、计算机科学、戏剧、音乐和设计与技术)。完整课程也包括个人德育、健康、社会公民教育和体育,这些课程将确保学生进行学术学习的同时,也能培养他们对健康及幸福的理解。
IGCSE、A Level 预科阶段
14-15岁 (10-11年级)
年龄为14-15岁的学生将接受为期2年的课程以获得IGCSE资格证书。除英语、中文、数学和科学这些必修课之外,学生需选择修读另外3或4门学科。15岁加入霍利斯的学生可以选择 A Level 预科课程。
A Level 阶段
16 - 18岁 (12 - 13年级)
12-13年级学生(16-18岁)将参加为期两年的课程,通过 A Level 考试进入世界一流学府。除主修的3或4门 A Level 科目外,体育、个人德育、健康和社会公民教育以及批判性思维也会融合于课程内。
现代化的佛山霍利斯校园由英国著名建筑设计所Scott Brownrigg、学校创始团队、本地部门、指定的地方设计院共同合作参与设计,成功继承了英国LEH学校的精髓,为学生们提供一个绿色、可持续的城市校园,为他们的学习和生活提供舒适的空间,支持他们在学术、体育和艺术多方面的发展。
在2021年11月6日,由英国驻华使馆和英国商会举办的英式学校大奖颁奖典礼上,英国设计公司Scott Brownrigg凭借佛山市霍利斯国际学校项目摘获最佳校园设计奖。
Mr Steve Banks
Steve Banks 先生是我校的寄宿部主任以及地理学科主任。他曾在英国一所寄宿学校担任学生关怀和儿童保护负责人及助理校长职务长达13年,负责管理全校的学生关怀事务。
Mr David Richards
David Richards 先生在国际寄宿学校拥有丰富的工作经验,他将会帮助寄宿学生们建立和发展团队合作精神。
Mrs Carolyn Jones
Carolyn Jones 女士正在参与寄宿学校协会的领导力证书课程,她曾在不同国际寄宿学校工作,希望能帮助霍利斯寄宿生们培养和发展独立生活的能力。
01/ 课堂之外
02/ 现代化的寄宿设施
03/ 英式学院制
2023 – 2024 Enrolment Plan
(Year 2 classes will open from August 2023)
Admissions Process
LEH Foshan is open to students who hold a foreign passport, as well as residents from Hong Kong, Macao or Taiwan.
Submit an Application
To apply, you can submit an application online by clicking below or submit a soft copy, including all requested supporting documents. Please note that an application fee of CNY 2,000 is required.
Documents Checklist
Photocopy of applicant’s passport and visa
Photocopy of applicant’s birth certificate
Photocopy of parents’ passports / IDs and visas
Photocopies of previous school reports (last 2 years)
Formal Evidence of Public Examination Qualifications (only applicable to Y12-13 Applicants)
Photocopy of Applicant’s vaccination record
A digital copy of student photo
Student medical record
Subject options form (only applicable to Y10, Y11 and Y12)
Assessment & Interview
Once the application form has been received, it will be reviewed and if the Selection Criteria have been met, then the applicant will be invited into the School for assessment and interview. Where applications have to be made from overseas, provision can be made for the assessment and interview online.
The assessment process varies according to the age of the student and the entry point into the School.
Prep School
Year Group | Year 2 | Years 3-6 |
Assessment | Play-based activity and observation | NGRT Reading Assessment, CAT4 |
Interview | Interviews with the Head of Prep and Headteacher |
Secondary School
Year Group | Years 7-9 | Years 10-11 | Years 12-13 |
Assessment | CAT4, NGRT Reading Assessment | CAT4, Exams of Subjects of the Applicant"s Choosing | |
Interview | Interview with the Headteacher | ||
Note | An Oxford Placement Test (OPT) is required if English is not the first language of the applicant. |
Special Educational Needs
If during the course of gathering information, testing and/or interviews, it is suggested that the applicant may have any special educational needs, then an assessment will be made by the Headteacher with advice taken from the Director of Learning Support as to the progression of the application. The Learning Support Policy will be made available to parents and options discussed.
Applications are processed by LEHF Review Committee. Assessment results are reviewed along with the provided documentation. Parents are informed of the decision within five working days.
Parents will receive by email, either:
i) an offer of a place;
ii) a conditional offer;
iii) a waitlist offer or,
iv) a decline.
The email will clearly explain the next steps for each category.
School Introduction
About LEH Foshan
Lady Eleanor Holles International School Foshan, an exceptional British curriculum day and boarding school, welcomed its first students in September 2020. With a campus and curriculum tailored to the needs of boys and girls, from 6 to 18 years, the School brings together the best of a British boarding school education to Foshan, a dynamic city in the heart of the Greater Bay Area of Southern China. The School provides the space, facilities and expert teaching for boys and girls from Year 2 to Year 13 to flourish, either as day students or as boarders. We teach an enhanced British Curriculum, IGCSEs and A level, leading to entry to the leading universities around the World. Your child(ren) will be taught by our talent teachers, 90 %of whom are British, with over 15 years of teaching experience on average.
About LEH London
Chosen as Independent Girls" School of the Year at the Independent School Awards, Lady Eleanor Holles (LEH) is a remarkable school. It is a school where students successfully combine impressive intellectual endeavour with enthusiastic engagement well beyond academia. Their exam results and their sporting achievements are among the best in the UK. Their musical and dramatic activities place them among the best of young performers.
LEH is a school full of opportunity, challenge and friendship; a place to take risks and become bold; to discover passions, talents and yourself; a place for remarkable young students.
Mission and Ethos
LEH Foshan offers an inspirational English language education for carefully selected students, developing a joyful attitude to learning which encourages students to think critically and creatively. LEH Foshan is a school full of opportunity, challenge and friendship; a place to take risks and become bold; a place to discover passions, talents and oneself; a place that nurtures remarkable young people.
LEHF Leadership
Mrs Jane Arden
Mrs Jane Arden is the Headteacher of LEH International School Foshan. She studied at both Liverpool, John Moores University and Liverpool University where she was awarded a BA (hons)in History, and a PGCE. Prior to this role, she was the Deputy Principal of Chengdu Westminster founding team, as well Director of Teaching and Learning and Head of English. Before that, Mrs Arden spent four year as Head of Academics and English at Wellington College International.
With nearly 30 years in education, she has led schools to achieve outstanding IGCSE and A level results. Mrs Arden has also worked as Assistant Principal examiner for AQA English language. Training and mentoring teachers is key for Jane in creating schools fit for the 21st century.
Ms Mandy Bateman
Head of the Prep School
Ms Bateman has nearly 30 years of experience as an educator and leader in both British and international schools in the UK, Portugal, and Egypt. Her journey in education has been wide-ranging. In 2009 she established herself as a leader when she became a founding Headteacher of an independent school in the UK.
In her last position, Ms Bateman worked as a Headteacher of Early years foundation stage (EYFS) and Primary 6 form entry school at a well-regarded British International School in Cairo, Egypt. Ms Bateman holds a BA in Education from Staffordshire University, a PGCE from Edge Hill University and a MA SEN Education from Cambridge UK.
LEHF Teachers
The quality, experience and commitment of your teacher is the single most important factor in the academic success of any student. We are proud to introduce our colleagues, all of whom are experienced, inspirational and proven in teaching the British curriculum.
Our native-English speaking teaching staff are recruited from leading schools around the world, and bring maturity and dynamism to the classroom. Most hold Masters or PhDs in Education and have, 90 % of whom are British, on average, 15+ years teaching experience.
With smaller class sizes, our students benefit from a highly individualised teaching approach, where each teacher has a firm knowledge of his or her student’s strengths and challenges. Our teachers have the support and resources they need to personalise their teaching to ensure that each student achieves their personal best.
British Curriculum
At LEH Foshan all our teaching, pastoral care and extra-curricular activities are designed to ensure that students are equipped with the skills, knowledge and attributes required for life in the 21st century.
We believe in giving students an education where excellent exam results are a by-product of that education, rather than being the central focus. We look for students with an intellectual curiosity and a love of learning which we aim to foster throughout their time at LEH. We realise that motivating students comes from the appropriate level of challenge being given in their learning.
Our role as educators is to develop a lifelong love of learning. As a result, teachers aim to develop the students" ownership of their own learning. Students are encouraged to discovers things for themselves, rather than simply being “spoon fed” to pass an examination. Our aim is to create a learning environment in all classes where students are ready to respond to questions even when they do not know the answer and are prepared to take risks in their learning.
AGES: 6 – 10 (YEAR 2 – 6, Prep School)
In the Prep School, the curriculum offers our students a wide range of learning experiences taught by our class teachers in English, Mathematics, Science, Humanities, STEM, Computer Science and PSHE. In the Prep School, Class Teachers play a key role in supporting each student and closely monitor academic, personal and social development.
Each Class teacher is supported by teaching assistants, not only in classroom teaching but also in pastoral guidance. There are also subjects of Spanish, Chinese, Art, Music, Drama, Design and Technology, and Sports delivered by specialist teachers to enhance the students’ learning opportunities.
In the Prep School, all lessons will be conducted in English (except Chinese and foreign language lessons). Small-size classes ensure that each teacher can gain a firm knowledge of his or her student’s strengths and challenges and design highly individual learning plans for them. Students will be able to take advantage from the plan and improve their English skills for future study.
Students will also benefit from the English Language Learning (ELL) Programme carefully designed by the Headteacher Mrs Jane Arden and with the support from the in-house English Language Acquisition team this helps develop their holistic language skills in reading, writing, speaking and listening. This allows them to fully engage in the school’s British Curriculum.
AGES: 11 - 13 (YEAR 7 - 9, Key Stage 3)
Students joining the school at age 11 will follow an engaging and rigorous curriculum that will enable them to develop their own academic interests while providing a broad foundation on which to build. All students from age 11-13 will study English, Mandarin, Mathematics and Science (Biology, Chemistry and Physics) alongside Humanities (Geography and History) and Technical / Creative Arts (Fine Art, Computing, Drama, Music and Technology). A programme of Personal, Health and Social Education, Physical Education and Tutor Periods will ensure students develop an understanding of health and wellbeing alongside their academic studies.
AGES: 14 - 15 (YEAR 10 - 11,IGCSE /Pre-A Level)
IGCSEs Students from age 14 - 15 will follow a 2-year programme leading to IGCSE qualifications. A compulsory core of English, Mandarin, Mathematics and Science will be complemented by 3 or 4 option choices. Students joining at 15 years old may choose a pre-A Level year of intensive English language preparation.
In addition, they will have a non-examined core programme of Physical Education, Personal, Health and Social Education and Critical Thinking.
AGES: 16 - 18 (YEAR 12 - 13,A Level)
A Levels Students in the final two years of school from age 16 - 18 will follow a 2-year programme leading to A Level qualifications and university entrance examinations where appropriate. The compulsory core of Physical Education, Personal, Health and Social Education and Critical Thinking will enhance a programme of 3 or 4 A Level subjects.
Daily Extra-Curricular Activities
ECAs at LEH Foshan is mandatory as we believe developing an active, healthy lifestyle is key to supporting physical, social and emotional health and wellbeing. We offer ECAs 2 sessions per day, from Monday to Friday including a wide range of activities and we change them termly.
The overarching ethos of the ECA programme at LEH is to support students to develop into young adults that have the confidence and skills to further pursue activities they enjoy as part of an active, healthy lifestyle. It is also designed to encourage confidence, independence, initiative, creativity, and leadership and provide regular opportunities for individual and team performance.
Moreover, the ECA programme can help students reach far beyond the campus. The interests and passions that students develop through these activities will enable them to stand out when they apply to university. ECAs also allows students to develop transferable skills, earn career experience and build their resume, increasing student’s career prospects.
State-of-the-Art Facilities
Designed in collaboration with the school founders, Local Implementation Authority and the appointed Local Design Institute, the concept design of our architects from Scott Brownrigg captures the essence of LEH UK - providing a green, sustainable urban campus, highly engaging learning and living spaces supporting a wide range of academic, sporting and artistic endeavours.
Sustainable School Design Awards
For the LEH Foshan Campus Project, our architects, Scott Brownrigg, won the Sustainable School Design Award at the British Schools Award hosted by the British Embassy and British Chamber of Commerce China on 6th November 2021.
Boarding at LEHF
Home Awayfrom Home
LEH International School Foshan aims to provide a home from home, high-quality boarding experience within a safe, secure, caring, happy and comfortable environment in a positive, trusting and encouraging atmosphere. To promote the development of good character and confidence through the promotion and a healthy balanced lifestyle whilst providing guidance and support enabling students to thrive academically, socially, morally and culturally - to reach their full potential/ to become leaders of the future/ to leave prepared for an everchanging world/ to leave as responsible young adults destined for greatness.
Boarding System
Termly Boarding
Students who board full-time benefit not only from the usual supervised study schedule and weekday activities, but they can also enjoy a selection of weekend opportunities including learning new skills, trips out and many, many more.
Weekly Boarding
Weekly boarding offers our students the opportunity to enjoy boarding life, additional time for evening school and evening events. This option is ideal for those students with a longer commute into school.
Flexi Boarding
Flexi boarding offers students and parents the opportunity of boarding for just a few nights per week or for a week or two each month. This option is ideal if parents travel regularly or for a taste of boarding life at LEH Foshan.
Support Boarding
This option is for ad-hoc boarding, for parents if they are needed to go away on business or international travel. This is a great opportunity for students to sample life as a boarder.
A Professional Boarding Team
Mr Steve Banks
Head of Boarding
Mr Steven Banks, besides his roles as Head of Geography, is also the Head of Boarding at LEH Foshan. He was once the Pastoral and Safeguarding Leader and Assistant Headteacher for 13 years in a UK boarding school and his previous senior leadership roles have provided him with whole school responsibilities including pastoral provision. Over recent years, he had worked in a well-established and successful boarding school in Thailand as Head of Geography and the key worker within the boarding school community.
Mr David Richards
House Parent
Mr Richards has worked previously within international boarding houses; he is looking forward to developing team spirit within the boarding houses.
Mrs Carolyn Jones
House Parent
Mrs Jones is currently completing her Leadership in Boarding certificate with the Boarding School Association, having worked in other international boarding schools, she is looking forward to working at LEH Foshan and helping students on their journey to independence.
Unique Boarding Life
01/ Beyond the Classroom
Boarding students at LEH Foshan develop a new level of independence, resilience and confidence. As well as benefiting from a full timetable of academic subjects, they also enjoy a strong programme of extra-curricular activities and teacher-supervised Evening School (time in the evening for home learning).
02/ Contemporary Facilities
When students join LEH Foshan, they will share an en suite room with students of the same age. The modern design of the rooms will ensure they have privacy, space to work individually or collaboratively while providing the support and facilities to ensure the students’ need only focus upon their learning.
03/ House System
It is almost impossible to talk about British school without mentioning House system. As one of the most distinguished elements of British schools, the Houses are the subunits of the school, and each student is allocated to one House at the moment of enrolment. A primary purpose of the House System is to provide pastoral care and foster community feeling while the secondary feature is to instil healthy competitions to encourage teamwork and cooperation.
At LEH Foshan, the 4 Houses are split across four distinct buildings within the Campus. The House building provides the living accommodation for boarding students and a range of study and social facilities for both day and boarding students.
The House system is first and foremost inclusive of all learning types and interests. We have sporting, artistic and cross-curricular events. This level of competition can have numerous academic benefits as well as social-emotional. Those who feel comfortable and supported enough to participate in House events are more likely to feel able to commit themselves fully to academia.
Parent-School Communication
A school is a community, and therefore functions best when there is a strong relationship between the family and the school. Parents might not understand everything that happens on a daily basis in a school but if they feel they can ask questions and are listened to, positive relationships are established which support the students’ education. When the school and parents demonstrate our core values, it highlights to the students that their parents and teachers are trusted role models.
Listen to parents’ feedback and address any concerns they might have is key to a school healthy development.
At LEHF, we use a variety of methods to communicate with parents such as direct mails, WeChat posts, regular seminars, workshops and Coffee Afternoons; these are weekly session where parents from a specific year group can meet with the Headteacher and other members of the academic team to discuss their child’s progress and discuss prevalent topics such as IGCSE choices, get to know parents from their year group, or simply learn more about the school programmes and how a child is settling into life at LEHF.
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